If you need any help or information please contact me for a chat.

Email - packingiron@yahoo.com

I don’t have a walk in store but I am regularly at fairs and events in the South East.

Visit me at most of the monthly Chatham Militaria Fairs or the quarterly Kempton Classic Arms Fairs and quarterly Birmingham Arms Fairs.

I will be at The Kempton Arms Fair on Sunday 7th July and the Chatham Militaria Fair on Sunday 14th July .

Kempton Vintage & Classic Arms Fair – Kempton Vintage & Classic Arms Fair (kemptonclassicarmsfair.co.uk)

About Us – Chatham Militaria Fairs

The International Antique and Vintage Arms Fair in Birmingham UK (birminghamarmsfair.com)

You can also find me on Instagram Neil Sinclair (@packingironuk) • Instagram photos and videos

And on Facebook - Facebook


 Look out for my Land Rover!